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Juan Carlos Mendoza – Spain

Posted by SIRE KOREA(ip:

Date 2016-05-24 14:09:59

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Juan Carlos Mendoza


Please tell us briefly about yourself? And what you’ve been up to these last few years?

My name is Juan Carlos Mendoza a professional bass player, producer, composer. All of my life I have been doing all of this, also I have been touring and recording with different artists from Spain. We can also see me very often on music TV shows with different bands including my own band.

How did you get to know Sire Bass and what is your first impression when you play Sire bass for the first time?

Like many bass players I’m always on the net searching for new stuff for basses then I stumbled upon “Sire” because I saw an interview with Mr. Marcus Miller talking about his Sire basses. Immediately it caught my attention and I looked for other videos about it. I was surprised with the sound because it was exactly what I have been looking for on every bass I owned. But this one was so clear, no doubt the best sounding bass for me. The first time I played my Sire bass was a fantastic experience. It was the first time I felt so comfortable with a new instrument, like the feeling that I had been playing these basses for years! The sound is the one that I was dreaming to have in a bass for so many years. Truly a game changer!

When and how did you start playing bass?

I started playing bass so early. Maybe I was only 12 years old. The bass is my best friend and my life. I have play almost any bass I could afford and endorse any brand on my way in search for the ultimate sound!

Are you a professional musician or a member of any band? If so, would you tell us about your music career?

I am a free lance musician, producer of many artists in Spain as rock band Orquesta Mondragon, Amistades Peligrosas, Cristina Del Valle etc. As well as composer and recording artist myself. I have been playing bass all my life, actually touring around Spain with Pop Band “Amistades Peligrosas” and “Ellas dan la Nota” and all woman singers act. As musical dir. and bass player, producer.

What is your inspiration to make your album “Thank to life”?

My last album “Thanks To Life” came out as a part of what I am being thankful for with everything in my life. I did want to say ”Thanks To Life” for all this wonderful years of good music with so many talented artists and musicians. I included this great Chilean composer “Violeta Parra” song in Spanish called in my CD “Gracias A La Vida”. I have put together a lot of my preferences in music again in one CD. Some are smooth jazz, some funk, some pop, some flamenco and Brazilian inspirations and even some music from old cabarets in a very lounge old style that I used to hear when I started playing as a professional musicians in old cabarets. Finally it is a very wide open work with a lot of bass work there.

You are obviously very talented, as you are bass player, composer, Spanish guitarist and also you have own album. Do you still focus on these thing or you are focusing on one thing more than others?

I have two albums with my name and music on them. I am still a tour and as a session artist but these late years I am trying to focus on my own music and my live band and for that I am very grateful. I have toured for so many years and with so many artists around the world.

What live performance experience have you had? Do you perform in public? Describe those occasions?

I have toured in countries like South America to Europe, Russia, and Japan. Playing live with the instrument you love and feel confident is very important to me. It inspires me to do better so thank you Sire!

Do you think the Music can do something to this world?

Music is the best natural energy I know. It can make people hearts move. Whether through joy or sadness. Emotions are always felt in this craft called music so it is a very powerful tool.

What does music mean to you?

Music is my life so as a composer I create the musical atmosphere plus stuff that I can only express with music. My bass is the instrument that helps me impart this to the people I perform to.

Any advice or suggestion to Sire guitars?

My little suggestion to Sire Guitars is to continue your vision and goal. You are the best around, a revolution and Sire has done so well being a game changer. Instruments with such a great sound on an affordable price, yes I agree, you are no doubt a “Game Changer”.

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