Sire Friends


Eric Silva – Brazil

Posted by SIRE KOREA(ip:

Date 2016-12-02 14:40:40

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  Eric Silva


Tell us something about yourself and how you became a bass player?

I first picked up the bass guitar when I was 15, when the bass player didn’t show and a friend told me to play the bass. It was like the acoustic guitar but I should play just the low strings and from then on, it became my passion.

Who is your main influence in playing bass? In tone, style, etc.

In the beginning I was very influenced by Abe Laboriel in his recordings with the Hosanna Music. I’ve always been involved with gospel music, and always liked the groove players like James Jamerson, Pino Palladino, the master Marcus Miller and others

When and where did you learn about Sire? What was your first impression with the basses?

I met the Sire Bass via youtube. I always look for new gear and when I saw Mr. Miller demonstrating that bass, I had no doubt that I needed to get it! The bass is fantastic and it has exceeded my expectations

Tell us something about your first gig using your Sire bass.

I first played in the studio when I plugged the bass their was no noise, it had a perfect pitch and the Heritage preamp is perfect. After that day, I played in a local event gig with the group I belong to the Family of Faith Worship. I also played for an established singer in Brazil, it was awesome.

How does it feel to be the first Sire friend in Brazil?

I am honored to be the first Sire Friend in Brazil. My desire is to invite all my friends and wish very soon to have a lot of Sire friends in Brazil.

Any words for the bass players out there planning to get a Sire in the future?

I’ve had several instruments, but Sire surprised me! It is hard to believe that it is possible to have an instrument of this quality under a fair price for consumers.

Do you have any suggestions for Sire Guitars?

My main suggestion to Sire is that they look at our Brazilian market and spread Sire Revolution here.

Why did you choose the alder V7?

After 2 years of searching I found one way to get my Sire and when I saw an advertisement in Brazil, I had no doubt but to buy it. I had seen the great player Andrew Berry use the same model that I have with David Sanborn, it was great!

Kindly tell us about your musical career in your country. Are you a member of a local band in Brazil?

I’ve always been involved with gospel music and today I am part of Family of Faith Worship and also I am a free lancer to some gospel singers Brazilians.

What inspires you to play? Where do you get your inspiration from it?

My inspiration comes from God, on Him. I am so grateful for life, family, friends and music.

Attachment Eric-Silva-Brazil.jpg


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